Tank Traps are a type of obstacle built by both the American army and the Wehrmacht in Company of HeroesThese Passive Defenses prevent passage by vehicles through a specific area, either blocking that area completely to vehicle access or forcing vehicles to take a longer route, preferably into a preset killzone or minefield Heavy tanks can crush Tank Traps The Normal Anatomy and Physiology of Executive Function EF is traditionally associated with the frontal lobes and related brain networks The area of the prefrontal lobe and, in particular, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC, Brodmann's area 9) and the cingulate cortex (eg, the anterior cingulate ACC, Brodmann's areas 24,32) have been related to the cognitiveLyrics Lets say sunshine for everyoneBut as far as I can rememberWe've been migratory animalsLiving under changing weatherSomeday we will foresee obstaclesT 英単語 Obstacle の意味 覚え方 発音 天才英単語 Obstacles 和訳